The internet is loaded with statistics that will tell you direct mail is a very effective marketing medium. Rather than me sharing those statistics with you, let’s take a second and think about why it’s effective.
Direct mail can be extremely targeted, allowing us to reach out to the exact type of consumer you are looking for.
This fact helps direct mail stand out against digital marketing. There is no other way to target specific credit types or people
with certain ownership histories. It is also a tangible offer. This is a benefit that should not be overlooked in the digital world.
Being able to hold the offer in your hand adds validity as well as shelf life. When compared to the fleeting nature of Radio and TV, this is a huge asset.

Every single piece of direct mail that is being sent in this country today needs to have text engagement.
There is no question this elevates response and delivers the highest possible lead quality.
Credit Letters
Database/Conquest Buy Back Letters
Database/Conquest Service Letters
Refinance Letters
Mortgage Letters
Political Mailers
Education Mailers